
Sims 4 Gardening Grafting Guide

One amazing skill that can be mastered in the game by your character is the Sims 4 gardening skill. Now, this particular skill is actually used for producing several plants that can later be spliced together for the creation of rather exotic plant variants.

Say, for example, you have access to the Snapdragon as well as Strawberry plant. These plants can be spliced together for the creation of rather exotic plants such as the tasty Dragon Fruit. On the other hand, if you happen to take that very same Dragon Fruit and graft the same with strawberry, you get your hands on the elusive variant of the Cowplant Berry. This cowplant can be used to get rid of the pesky and annoying visitors that simply do not leave your premise.

Sims 4 Plants: How to Get Started?

In order to get started with your gardening skills for Sims 4, you will get access to two different choices. You can either go all around the area & gather various plants through harvesting of the already mature vegetables, fruits, as well as flowers. You can also purchase a planter pot/box that can be added directly to the ground. You can buy the seeds via your computer. Whenever you purchase your seed packets, these will automatically reflect on your inventory with a simple click of the packet.

Sims 4 Plant List: A Quick Look

Here are some of the plant types that are available with your seed packs:

  • Starter Flowers: Chrysanthemum, Blue Bells, & Daisy
  • Starter Herbs: Parsley and Basil
  • Starter Fruits: Grapes, Apple, & Plantain
  • Starter Vegetables: Mushroom, Carrot, & Spinach
Sims 4 Gardening | Grafting | Plants list | Fertilizer (Updated)

Gardening Sims 4: Quick Tips

In the Sims 4 game, plants can easily be grown within the gardening pots or planter boxes. Gardening pots are designed to be used with outdoor as well as indoor plants. However, they can only hold one plant in a single go. On the other hand, the Planter Boxes are designed to be used with outdoor plants & can easily hold as many as 4 plants or 1 tree.

Whenever you are all set to start your plantation, open the inventory & click-n-drag these plants to your box/pot/ground. After you click over the plant & opt to plant the same. After this, you will have to water the plants while considering the plants that need attention.

Sims 4 How to Plant Seeds?

The very first seed packets that you need to purchase are the Starter fruits, flowers, vegetables, as well as herbs. Once you are acquainted with these variations, you can easily be allowed to purchase the farmer variants of the seed packets. Hovering the mouse over your plant shall show you its evolutionary progress along with its flower, petals, as well as health.

In case the flower in your plan is green, it denotes that your plant can be termed healthy and happy. However, if you happen to see that the plan is yellow, red, or orange, you might have to start acting quickly, given the fact that your plant requires a lot of tender care and loving. Whenever you hover your mouse on the flowers and plants within the box, it has all of the petals which denote that it's time for evolving the plants to a whole new level.

This need for evolving is also indicated when there is a sparkle all around your plant. This particular lighting shall also show up when the plan's flowers or fruits are all set to mature & ready for harvest. Whenever you are ready for harvest or evolving the plant, simply click over the plan & choose an option from your pie menu, which opens up.

How to garden in Sims 4: Available Interactions

Here are some of the well-known interactions available with the Sims 4 evolve plants when you are leveling up within the game:

  • Level-1: In this particular level, the Sims can easily water, plant, weed, as well as harvest the plants. Exploring the town for harvesting & planting more collectibles can be ideal if you plan on increasing the gardening skill for your Sim.
  • Level-2: At this level, the Sims can evolve their plants after a few days on a regular basis. This helps enhance the quality level of the Sims 4 flower without the need for Sims 4 fertilizer. The higher you evolve in the ladder, the better your harvest quality is.
  • Level-3: Sims can easily talk to their plants at this level in order to fulfill the social requirements & to enhance gardening skills.
  • Level-4: In this gardening guide level-4, you can easily fertilize the plants to ensure that they evolve faster. At this level, you can also use the fruits, herbs, flowers, veggies, as well as fishes as fertilizers.
  • Level-5: As you reach this level, other Sims might complement the garden that adds in pleasantry conversations in order to buff the Sims.
  • Level-6: Sims can easily take the graft, cuttings, & tend the plants. They might also purchase the Farmer Seed Packs over their computer.
  • Level-7: In this particular level, the Sims can easily reshape the overgrown variant of Bonsai Trees by paying §50 simoleons. You can also revive the plants by paying §100 Simoleons. Keep in mind that this might not work with the cowplants.
  • Level-8: Sims at this level are very efficient when it comes to taking perfect care of the plants. The Sims can water the plants & weed faster.
  • Level-9: Sims evolve plants at level 9 can get plants that aren't available normally. Make sure you take advantage when this particular level is available. Get farmer seeds for your garden and amp up your skills.

Sims 4 Gardening Collection: Microscopic Sample

If you plan on making money from gardening, you can do so by investing some money in the microscope. This will cost you around $1630. In order to do this, you need to click over the plan & select the option of taking the microscopic sample. Now, doing this will provide you with a plant slide that gets you the ability to decode the microscopic sample. After this, you can easily print the sample and sell it for 100s of Simoleans.

Doing this, you can help pay up for your microscope. As a bonus, it can also help increase the logic skill levels of the Sims.

Sims 4 Gardening Cheats

In order to test your gardening skills, you can also try out the gardening cheats. Here is a quick cheat you can try out in the game.

Press the combination "CTRL+SHIFT+C."

Next, type the command "testingcheats" & press the enter button

Apart from this, you can also set the skill levels at a higher level by using this command:

Stats.Set_Skill_Level Major_Gardening X (Fill any level as stated above)

Sims 4 Grafting: Here is How You Do It!

With the help of the Sims 4 Grafting combos, you can get the ability to minimize your work in the game with regards to the maintenance of the garden. You can also be allowed to eliminate the plants that you do not like. If you are aiming for the maximum amount of profit, it is better that you have the high-priced plants in the garden. Grafting can also help condense your plan size, which simultaneously cuts your fertilizing needs.

If you are planning to opt for proper grafting for your garden, you can take a look at our grafting guide.

  • Grafting helps get the plants that aren't in season
  • You can also make use of the all-weather plants such as sage
  • Grafting should be done with an uncommon and common plant to get the year-round harvest
  • Keep in mind that 1 of each 600 harvests you have from your garden shall be the rare one
  • Your plant needs to grow a tad bit before you get access to the graft option once again

Sims 4 Plant Cheats

If you plan to enhance the growth of your perfect plants in a faster manner, you can try out several cheats available for the game. The best way to see the sparkles over the game is to speed up the game and level up in a faster manner. Whenever you happen to find any rare plant within the wild, make sure you take the sample of the same and graft it with the high-quality plans in the garden.

Your results for plant quality will be particularly high, and the overall income from gardening will surely be high.

Sims 4 Orchid: How to make one?

In order to make the Sims 4 Orchid plant, you need to graft the lily plant with the Snapdragon plant. This will result in the creation of the Orchid.

Sims 4 Dragon Fruit: How to Grow One?

If you plan on growing the dragon fruit in your garden, the fall season would be the best time to do so. The rarity context of this plant is fairly rare. This means, grafting it with your regular plants will bring you a lot of money with rare and high-quality plants in the garden. It is valued at $80 with a growth time of 96 hours. You can get these fruit seeds in the rare Sims 4 seed packets. Also, grafting the snapdragon with strawberry will give you access to the dragon fruit.

Sims 4 Snapdragon

The Snapdragon is a common plant found in abundance within the game for your gardening needs. It is best planted during the fall and spring seasons. Priced at $13, this plant has a growth time of 36 hours. In order to create a Snapdragon plant, you can use the Garden Essence Home and Willow Creek grafting methodology.

Bird of Paradise

If you are looking for ways to evolve plants in your game, here is how you can work with the Bird of Paradise. It is a fairly rare variant of the plant kingdom in the Sims 4 game. They are best grown in the months of summer and spring. Priced at $10, this plant has an overall growth period of 36 hours and can be found within the rare packets with seeds.

When going for the grafting methodology, graft the tulip plant with the Chrysanthemum to get access to this plant.

Sims 4 Spliced Plants

With the help of the Sims 4 splicing feature in the gardening aspect of the game, you can easily grow different types of fruits and flowers within one single plant. This process is usually created with the help of the grafting process. In a normal grafting scenario, one plant is fused into another to make a different species. However, with splicing, you can add multiple plant species into one that grows different flowers and fruits into one.

Doing this enhances your harvest value while requiring as little land area as possible within your garden.

Sims 4 Strawberries

This small and sweet fruit packed with the red skin covered with seeds is amazing to taste in real life. So, what about the Sims 4 game? How can this plant be obtained within the game? This rare plant breed is best grown during the spring season. Priced at $24, it has a 24 hours growth period as well. Apart from this, if you plan on growing pomegranate in the Sims 4 game, they come with a growth period of 72 hours and price at $83. They are also termed under the rare breeds in the gardening aspect of The Sims 4 game.

Plant Name Description Rarity Base Value Perfect Value Growth Rate Season/Notes
Apple Marked by the distinctive variant of the snap-hiss. If a sim takes the bite of an apple, he/she is likely to experience a feeling of refreshment and fullness Common 3 8 36 Hours Fall
Basil Once popular for the capability to reduce pain from any scorpion sting, basil is a leafy herb that is now used as decorative for elaborate meals Common 2 6 24 Hours Fall and Summer
Bluebell This is a cluster comprised of small-sized blue blossoms Common 2 5 36 Hours Summer and Spring
Carrot A sweet-tasting orange-colored tuber Common 3 8 24 Hours Fall and Spring
Chrysanthemum A ravishing flower that finds its place inside the garden Common 10 28 36 Hours Summer & Fall
Daisy A commonly occurring yellow & white brightly colored flower Common 2 7 24 Hours Spring
Grape The Sims love to pop these fruits into their mouth similar to that of juicy chocolates Common 8 23 48 Hours Fall
Lemon A sour variant of citrus fruit Common 6 17 60 Hours All seasons
Mushroom An edible, earthy fungus Common 1 3 24 Hours Fall and Spring
Parsley A minty and delicate herb leaf Common 2 4 24 Hours Summer and Spring
Plantain It is a starchy variant of banana and should be cooked prior to eating Common 3 8 72 Hours Summer
Chamomile It is a flower similar to that of daisy which is used commonly for the creation of herbal remedies Common 8 21 24 Hours Summer
Toxic Chamomile This is a toxic cousin of the normal chamomile that leads to induction of tension when consumed Common 4 12 24 Hours Summer
Elderberry This particular purple berry tends to be sweet in taste after being cooked Common 2 5 18 Hours Fall and Summer
Holly A hint of berries and holly leaves can introduce a Winterfest touch anywhere Common 3 8 24 Hours Winter and Fall
Noxious Elderberry This pale-colored purple berry tends to be poisonous when left uncooked. However, the poisonous content decreases after being cooked. Common 3 6 18 Hours Fall and Summer
Sage It is a musky herb with purple leaf Common 3 8 24 Hours All seasons
SnapDragon A vivid blossoms collection that is also small and present in the cluster Common 16 43 36 Hours Fall and Spring
Spinach A dark-green leafy vegetable that is rich in vitamin Common 1 3 24 Hours Winter
Grow fruit Backed by a distinctive glow, this fruit can be your tasty treat. Plus, it can be an amazing fertilizer & an amazing ingredient Common 30 83 72 Hours All Seasons
It can be obtained during the Jasmine Holiday
Taro Root Make sure this root isn't eaten raw. It should always be fried, boiled, mashed, or baked. Common 1 3 Summer and Spring
Bell Pepper It is perfectly sharp and ripe that can easily be eaten all by itself or as a spice Common 3 8 24 Hours Summer
Green Peas These green veggies can be eaten by sims when young Common 3 8 24 Hours Spring
Cherry Small reddish fruits that come with pits inside Uncommon 8 23 60 Hours Summer
Forbidden Fruit PlantSim You can eat this fruit and grow the tree on your own. It is forbidden due to the fact that its nothing better than any façade Uncommon 90 250 All Seasons
It can be located within the Magical Bean Tree that develops a portal. It turns the Sims to the PlantSims when being eaten
Lily A vibrantly large blossom Uncommon 36 100 36 Hours Summer
Onion A tangy and fragrant root veggie Uncommon 6 16 48 Hours Winter and Fall
Pear A fleshy and crisp fruit that flaunts a distinctive bell-like shape Uncommon 10 27 60 Hours Winter and Fall
Potato A delicious, starchy underground tuber that is often misinterpreted for being a root. Uncommon 3 9 24 Hours Winter
Rose A beautifully colored blossoming flower that possesses a lovely aroma Uncommon 29 80 48 Hours Fall and Spring
Strawberry Sweet and small in size, this red fruit comes with skin that is covered in seeds Uncommon 9 24 24 Hours Spring
Tomato A red, juicy fruit that is often thought to be a vegetable Uncommon 5 13 24 Hours Summer
Snowdrop Snowdrops tend to look a bit like snow that is air suspended Uncommon 5 13 24 Hours Winter
Green Bean An ideal vegetable that can be eaten anytime cold or hot Uncommon 7 18 24 Hours Fall and Summer
Tulip A plumpy bloom is known to grow even after the picking season is over. The petals are delicate and come with a stigma cluster Uncommon 14 40 36 Hours Spring
Blackberry Popular for its tangy flavor followed by a smooth aftertaste, this aggregate fruit is perfect for pies Uncommon 3 9 96 Hours Summer
Trash Fruit A blossom that smells foul and is inexplicably comprised of refuse Uncommon 1 2 24 Hours All seasons.
You have to leave a trash pile in an exposed terrain for the trash plant to grow on it in a day
Fireleaf The plant gets this name from its dark and red-colored tint in the leaves Uncommon 2 6 18 Hours Summer and Spring
Poison Fireleaf This particular plant induces itchiness depending on the time for which you are exposed to the same Uncommon 2 6 18 Hours Summer and Spring
Huckleberry This particular berry is very tiny and used commonly to create pancakes and fruit cobbler Uncommon 2 7 18 Hours Fall and Summer
Muckleberry If you plan to keep your head clear, Muckleberry isn't something you would want to choose Uncommon 3 8 18 Hours Fall and Summer
Garlic It is an annually occurring bulbous plant. The bulbs are harvested to cook as well as decorate Uncommon 4 10 24 Hours All seasons.
It can be assembled in the braid form to deter vampires
Avocado Avocados tend to be a delicious vegetable variant or fruit. Uncommon 15 42 46 Hours All seasons
Black Bean Black beans tend to be super nutritious & great for the Sims. Not just that, they can be very versatile & used in a range of everyday dishes Uncommon 2 6 12 Hours Fall and Summer
Begonia The begonia flowers are used as caution & tend to stand apart from others in the garden Uncommon 23 63 24 Hours Fall and Summer
Crocus These flowers tend to share cheer and glee throughout their bloom-time Uncommon 9 25 24 Hours Winter and Spring
Dahlia The dahlias come with a special look, and the blossoms look particularly unique Uncommon 17 47 24 Hours Fall
Kava Root Can be found by the Sulani Islands, the fresh roots of the Kava can be used for the improvement of drinks that are served during social events Uncommon 3 9 Summer and spring
Coconut If you can go all the way to crack this hard husk, the interior fruit is very rewarding, creamy, as well as juicy Uncommon 3 7 - Summer and Spring
Pineapple Apples do not grow on the pine trees, but this particular fruit with misleading name doesn't fail you in terms of taste Uncommon 4 11 Summer and Spring
Christmas Rose While this flower isn't exactly rose, it is a flower-shaped like a star and equally gorgeous Uncommon 14 39 24 Hours Winter
Plasma Fruit The fruit juice from this plant has properties that are similar to plasma Uncommon 6 17 72 Hours All seasons.
It is consumed by the vampires in order to quench their thirst as opposed to drinking the Sims
Wolfsbane When in the raw form, this flower isn't anything special. However, when used in the drinks and food, it might affect the ones that are nocturnally oriented Uncommon 6 18 36 Hours All seasons
Sixam Mosquito Trap It is a non-edible plant that tends to be particularly hard to locate. It is also rumored that the seeds might be carried by mosquitoes that escape this plant's trap Uncommon 23 63 180 hOURS All seasons
Fang Flower This particular alien flower comes with a defense mechanism. It might seem like it wishes to bite you. Uncommon 18 50 120 Hours Spring.
It can only be found by the secret of in Sixam
Bird of Paradise Also known as the flame-tipped flower, it is known to look like a bird. They might be absent during the winter months Rare 51 142 36 Hours Summer and Spring
Money Fruit This fruit isn't meant for eating but brings splendors for sims that plant it Rare 1600 4445 12 Hours All seasons
It can be purchased with the use of satisfaction points that can be availed at the local reward store
Bizarre Fruit The bizarre fruit tends to have a particularly ominous glow. It might house living spore. So, make sure you avoid eating the same Rare 2 5 All seasons
Once the opening of the first gate has been done within a secret laboratory, the Strangerville plant grows into its mature stage which is this fruit
Flutterberry Make sure you keep caution around these particular berries. They can make your heart flutter with an immediate sense of flirtiness Rare 5 13 24 Hours All seasons
Grown from the Emotions tree
Cerebrerry With a couple of these delicious berries, you can make your sim focus in a way similar to a laser beam. Rare 5 13 24 Hours All seasons
Grown from Emotions tree
Museberry Having writer's block? This fruit will bring you all the needed inspiration Rare 5 13 24 Hours All seasons
Grown from the Emotions tree
Razzleberry Juicy and squishy in taste, these berries will remind you of childhood while introducing playful tendencies Rare 5 13 24 Hours All seasons
Grown from the Emotions tree
Vimberry These berries help the Sim move in an amazing fashion while being packed with Vim & vigor Rare 5 13 24 Hours All seasons.
Grows from the Emotion tree
Merry Berry Happy berries help make the sims happier. These berries, when popped into the mouth, can make you smile Rare 5 13 24 Hours All seasons.
It is grown from the Emotions tree
Gutsberry These berries tend to bring confidence within the sim. Each a couple of these and you can get the courage to go for dangerous maneuvers in the society Rare 5 13 24 Hours All seasons
Grown from Emotions tree
Bonsai Buds A small berries cluster that comes with fragrance as well. It can be grown as a bonsai shrub Rare 35 97 24 Hours All seasons
In case you have a completely grown bonsai, you can pot the same into a carvable structure
Mandrake This particular root is actually shaped like the Sum with strange properties mixed in along with some more ingredients Rare 3 8 Fall and Spring
Valerian Root Its fragrant scent might bring in flies, so it is better to keep it away from your kitchen when cooking Rare 3 7 Fall and Spring
Cow Berry A strangely plantable bovine fruit Rare 180 500 24 Hours It can be grown in all seasons.
It is commonly fished in your Hermit's House Secret Lot which is located in the Forgotten Grotto Secret Lot or the Granite Falls
Dragonfruit A vibrant, exotic colored fruit Rare 250 695 96 Hours Fall
Orchid An exotic, colorful blossom Rare 225 625 36 Hours Winter and Spring.
It can be rewarded to your sim after the completion of the space-rock collection present in the skill for Rocket-Science
Pomegranate A rarely occurring red-colored fruit that is tarty in taste with edible seeds Rare 30 83 72 Hours Winter
U.F.O (Unidentified Fruit Object) A strange variant of space fruit Rare 120 333 112 Hours Fall
It can be obtained by space exploration when inside a rocket
Death Flower An elegant yet spooky flower. Given the fact that roses cannot be given to the Sims Grim Reaper, this flower can be provided instead. It has the potential to calm the reaper's qualms & get you out of any deadly situations Rare 240 667 48 Hours Winter
Morel Mushroom This is an edible fungus that flaunts an appearance like that of the honeycomb Rare 36 100 24 Hours Summer and Spring
False Morel Mushroom This green-tinted mushroom might have a negative effect on the bladder of your sim when consumed Rare 6 17 24 Hours Summer and Spring
Glow Orb You cannot indefinitely stare at this orb, but yes it is absolutely mesmerizing Rare 23 63 96 Hours Winter
It can only be found at the secret Sixam lot
Quill Fruit The Quill Fruit tends to be hard to eat all by yourself. Not just that, you might not be able to comfortably carry the same within the pocket Rare 48 133 72 Hours Summer
It can be found in the secret lot of the Sixam
Catnip Catnip can boost the energy level of your cat while making them particular hyper Uncategorized 3 8 2 Hours All seasons
Madnip Madnip can make the cats angry and enraged Uncategorized 3 8 2 Hours All seasons
Naprip This particular plant can help calm the cat & sleep better Uncategorized 3 8 2 Hours All seasons
Nuzzlerip Nuzzlerip makes your cat way friskier than they actually are Uncategorized 3 8 2 Hours All seasons

Sims 4 Gardening Grafting Guide


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