
What Animal Uses Specially Designed Hands And Feet

Some animals have adult amazing adaptations to their environments. Many different types of energy exist in the environment, some of which humans cannot notice. Here are some examples of how some animals sense the outside world and the anatomical structures that allow them to exercise and so.

  • Can notice small movement through 5 cm of earth.
  • Can see polarized calorie-free.

  • Can detect warmth of an animal from about 16 cm away using its "nose-leaf".
  • Bats tin also detect food (insects) up to 18 ft. away and get information about the type of insect using their sense of echolocation.
  • Can hear frequencies betwixt 3,000 and 120,000 Hz.

  • Can see low-cal between wavelengths 300 nm and 650 nm.
  • Have chemoreceptors (taste receptors) on their jaws, forelimbs and antennae.
  • Worker love bees accept v,500 lenses ("ommatidia") in each eye.
  • Worker honey bees take a ring of iron oxide ("magnetite") in their abdomens that may be used to detect magnetic fields. They may use this ability to detect changes in the earth's magnetic field and use it for navigation.
  • Can see polarized light.

  • Has chemoreceptors (taste receptors) on its anxiety.
  • The butterfly has hairs on its wings to discover changes in air pressure.
  • Using vision, the butterfly Colias tin can distinguish 2 points separated by as lilliputian as 30 microns. (Humans tin distinuguish two points separated past 100 microns.)
  • The common bluebottle butterfly has at least 15 unlike types of photoreceptors in its eye.

  • Retina has 1 1000000 photoreceptors per sq. mm.
  • Tin see small rodents from a height of 15,000 ft.

  • Has hearing range betwixt 100 and lx,000 Hz.
  • Olfactory membrane well-nigh xiv sq. cm. For comparison, humans have an olfactory membrane of virtually four sq. cm.

  • The eyes of the chameleon can move independently. Therefore, it tin can see in ii different directions at the aforementioned time.

  • Can detect movement every bit small equally ii,000 times the diameter of a hydrogen cantlet.

  • Has hairs on claws and other parts of the body to discover water electric current and vibration.
  • Many crabs have their eyes on the stop of stalks.

  • Has sensory hairs that tin can find movement of 0.ane microns (at 100 Hz frequency).

  • Can hear using their legs; sound waves vibrate a thin membrane on the cricket's front legs.

Canis familiaris
  • Has olfactory membrane upwardly to 150 sq. cm.
  • Can hear audio as high as 40,000 Hz.

  • Similar bats, dolphins use echolocation for movement and locating objects.
  • Can hear frequencies up to at least 100,000 Hz.

  • Eye contains 30,000 lenses.

  • Entire trunk covered with chemoreceptors (taste receptors).

  • Eyeball length = 35 mm (human eyeball length = 24 mm)
  • Visual acuity is 2.0 to 3.6 times better (depending on the type of eagel) than that of humans. (Shlaer, R., An eagle's eye: quality of the retinal image, Scientific discipline, 176:920-922, 1972.)

  • Has hearing range between 1 and 20,000 Hz. The very low frequency sounds are in the "infrasound" range. Humans cannot hear sounds in the infrasound range.

  • Can see a 10 cm. object from a distance of 1.5 km.
  • Visual acuity is ii.half-dozen times ameliorate than man. (Garcia et al., Falcon visual acuity, Science, 192:263-265, 1976.)
  • Tin see sharp images even when diving at 100 miles/hour.

  • Some tin detect the L-serine (a chemical found in the pare of mammals) diluted to ane part per billion.
  • Take a "lateral line" organization consisting of sense organs ("neuromasts") in canals along the head and trunk. These receptors are used to detect changes in h2o pressure level and may be used to locate casualty and aid movement.
  • Some fish can see into the infrared wavelength of the electromagnetic spectrum while others, such as Sockeye salmon, tin can meet ultraviolet light.

Fish (Catfish)
  • Has iii or 4 pairs of whiskers, called barbels, to find food. The catfish besides has approximately 100,000 gustation buds. (Humans have but x,000 sense of taste buds.)

Fish (Deep sea)
  • Only accept rods in the retina: 25 1000000 rods/sq. mm. Perchance they need this high density of photoreceptors to discover the dim biolumninescence that exists in the ocean depths.

Fish (Drum Fish)
  • Collects underwater sound vibrations with an air bladder. The signals are then sent from the air bladder to the "weberian apparatus" in the middle ear and then to the inner ear. Hair cells in the inner ear reply to the vibration and transmit sound data to the fish brain.

Fish ("4-eyed Fish" Anableps microlepis)
  • Can see in air and water simultaneously. Each eye is divided past flaps, then there is one opening in the air and 1 in the h2o.

  • Each eye has iii,000 lenses. (Simmons and Immature, 1999)
  • Middle has a flicker fusion rate of 300/sec. Humans accept a flicker fusion rate of only lx/sec in vivid low-cal and 24/sec in dim lite. The flicker fusion rate is the frequency with which the "flicker" of an prototype cannot be distinguished equally an individual outcome. Like the frame of a picture show...if yous slowed it downward, you would see private frames. Speed information technology up and you see a constantly moving image.
  • The small-scale parasitic wing (Ormia ochracea) tin can locate sounds within a range of simply 2o of the midline. (Mason et al., Nature, 410:686-690, 2001)
  • Blowflies taste with 3,000 sensory hairs on their feet.

  • Has an eardrum (tympanic membrane) on the outside of the body behind the center.

Giant Squid
  • Eye is 25 cm in diameter.
  • Retina tin incorporate up to i billion photoreceptors.
  • Sensitive to polarized light.

  • Has hairs ("sensilla") all over the body to find air motion.
  • Can hear upward to 50,000 Hz.

  • Normal vision for people is xx/20. A hawk'south vision is equivalent to xx/5. This means that the hawk can see from 20 anxiety what nigh people can see from 5 feet. (Scientific American, April 2001, page 24)

Militarist Buteo
  • Has 1 one thousand thousand photoreceptor per square millimeter in its retina.

  • Able to observe the temperature of sand within 2 degrees F. This temperature is needed for the iguana to lay its eggs.

  • The box jellyfish has 24 eyes. (Nature, 435:201-205, 2005.)

  • Tin can hear frequencies betwixt 1,000 and 100,000 Hz. By comparing, humans can hear frequencies between 20 and xx,000 Hz.

Star-nosed Mole
  • Uses its fleshy star nose for hunting. The Star-nosed mole has 100,000 nerve fibers that run from star to the brain. This is almost six times more than the touch receptors in the human hand.

  • Attracted to host by human trunk odor (especially human foot odour), carbon dioxide, trunk heat and torso humidity.

  • Noctuid Moth has a hearing range between ane,000 and 240,000 Hz.
  • Emperor Moth tin observe pheromones up to five km. distant.
  • Silkworm Moth can discover pheromones upwards to 11 km. distant. This moth can observe pheromones in concentrations equally low equally one molecule of pheromone per 1017 molecules of air. A receptor cell tin can reply to a single molecule of the pheromone called bombykol and 200 molecules tin cause a behavioral response.

  • Retina contains twenty 1000000 photoreceptors.
  • The eye has a flicker fusion frequency of 70/sec in bright low-cal.
  • Sensitive to polarized calorie-free.
  • The pupil of the eye is rectangular.
  • Has chemoreceptors (gustatory modality receptors) on the suckers of their tentacles. By tasting this way, an octopus does not have to exit the prophylactic of its home.

  • Has a flat cornea that allows for clear vision underwater.
  • Penguins tin as well encounter into the ultraviolet range of the electromagnetic spectrum.

  • Natural language contains 15,000 sense of taste buds. For comparison, the human being tongue has 9,000 taste buds.
  • Xan olfactory property truffles nether six inches of soil.

  • With eyes mounted laterally on their heads, pigeons tin can view 340 degrees...everywhere except in back of their heads.
  • Tin can detect sounds equally depression as 0.i Hz.

  • Has electric sensors in its bill that can detect 0.05 microvolts. Other receptors in the beak are for touch and temperature detection.
  • The cochlea of the inner ear is coiled but a quarter of a turn. In homo, the cochlea is coiled well-nigh times.

  • Tongue contains 17,000 taste buds.

  • Has hearing range betwixt ane,000 and 90,000 Hz.

  • Each eye can move independently.

  • Has 100 optics effectually the edge of the shell. These eyes are probably used to notice shadows of predators such equally the starfish.

  • Tin detect air moving at only 0.072 km/hr with special hairs on its pincers.
  • Can have as many as 12 optics.

  • Has specialized electrosensing receptors with thresholds as depression as 0.005 uV/cm. These receptors may be used to locate prey. The dogfish can detect a flounder that is cached nether the sand and emitting iv uAmp of current.
  • Some sharks can observe fish extracts as concentrations lower than one office in ten billion.
  • Some sharks sense light direct through the skull by the pineal body.
  • The thresher shark has an eye upwards to 5 inches (12.5 cm) in bore.
The last three facts are from D.Perrine, Sharks and Rays of the World, Stillwater: Voyaguer Printing, 1999.

  • Pit-vipers have a estrus-sensitive organ between the eyes and the nostrils about 0.5 cm deep. This organ has a membrane containing 7,000 nerve endings that respond to temperature changes as minor as 0.002-0.003 degrees centigrade. A rattlesnake tin detect a mouse 40 cm abroad if the mouse is 10 degrees centigrade above the outside temperature.
  • The tongue of snakes has no taste buds. Instead, the tongue is used to bring smells and tastes into the rima oris. Smells and tastes are then detected in two pits, called "Jacobson's organs", on the roof of their mouths. Receptors in the pits then transmit smell and taste information to the brain.
  • Snakes take no external ears. Therefore, they do not hear the music of a "ophidian charmer". Instead, they are probably responding to the movements of the snake charmer and the flute. However, sound waves may travel through bones in their heads to the middle ear.
  • Snakes have no moveable eyelids. Instead, they have a clear, scale-like membrane roofing the eye.

  • Retina has 400,000 photoreceptors per sq. mm.

  • Many spiders have eight eyes.
  • Spider can detect electrical fields in the atmosphere.

  • Arms covered with lite sensitive cells. Light that projects on an "eyespot" on each arm causes the arm to motility.


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